You need a team-building activity, a retreat, a day to step back and let the group reconnect. Or perhaps you have a specific learning opportunity that needs to be addressed. I'll work with you to develop the strategy that best fits your organization’s needs and culture. I make each training engaging and meaningful—and we'll incorporate action steps so your employees can continue to apply what they have learned.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: Personality Preference Workshops

Team-building, leadership development, self-awareness, conflict management, change management—The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®), one of the world’s most popular personality tools, provides an accessible language and structure to approach these topics.
Sometimes, groups and individuals simply don’t understand where their counterparts are coming from, making it difficult to mesh. Transform these siloed employees into a team, and these unproductive conflicts into useful discussions. The MBTI® facilitates self-awareness and provides positive opportunities to identify individual differences and to value the strengths in a diverse team. These trainings teach employees a common language and provide a space to discuss, understand, and ultimately value differences, so they can refocus on working together to achieve the team’s goals.
MBTI topics can include: introduction to personality type, team-building, communication, conflict management, change management, emotional intelligence, and leadership development. These topics can be presented as a single, half- or full-day workshop, or as an ongoing series to improve your team’s ability to apply what they have learned.

Gallup CliftonStrengths Workshops and Coaching
By identifying the ways people excel, strengths-based development helps employees and managers maximize their contributions. The online CliftonStrengths assessment (previously called StrengthsFinder) measures 34 talent themes and identifies each person’s top five strengths. Workshops help teams understand and appreciate each member’s contributions and how to apply this knowledge to increase effectiveness. Coaching packages help managers and employees get the most from their strengths, providing lasting improvement.
Gallup research has shown that employees who use their strengths every day are six times more likely to be engaged at work. Harness the power of strengths-based development to improve your team’s performance.
CliftonStrengths topics can include: introduction to strengths-based development, team cohesiveness, team development, communication, and effective management, and can be presented as single, half- or full-day workshops, as an ongoing series, or in conjunction with individual coaching.

Leadership Development Topics and Facilitation

You might be looking for a learning opportunity for your team to support their ongoing development and to invest in their growth—and their engagement. I facilitate interactive workshops on skill-based topics for leadership development programs, high-potential employee programs, or opt-in learning sessions. I also use human-centered design to help groups generate strategic plans and come to consensus on issues.
Research illustrates Millennial and Gen Z employees value ongoing learning and professional development – invest in your new team members and reap the benefits of an engaged, educated workforce.
Workshop topics include: communicating clearly, giving and receiving feedback, managing conflict, creating individual development plans, finding meaning in work, and managing imposter syndrome. Need a different topic? I can develop curriculum to fit your organization’s particular needs.

Career Strategy Sessions
60 minutes, $250
We can get a lot done in an hour. Some people just need a guided conversation to figure out their next steps or to answer specific job search questions; others want to meet for six to twelve sessions to reinvent their careers. I work on the continuum between coach and consultant, depending on what you need. As a career coach, I work closely with people to envision possible futures and help define priorities and action steps; as a consultant, I help clients with resume writing, interview preparation, job search strategies, managing issues at work, and other career-related topics. Many of my clients are mid-level managers, parents returning to work, or successful professionals looking for something more.​
Identities in coaching and work
I coach from the perspective of cultural humility and with an awareness of the many ways culture, privilege, and identity intersect and impact our experiences in the workforce and the world. I continue my education with reading, workshops, conferences, and conversations, and I learn something from every client. Bring your whole self to sessions with me; all aspects of your identity are welcome.
How does it work?
Schedule a session via Calendly and PayPal with the button below.

How We Work Together
It starts with a conversation. We discuss your goals, and how we can design the ideal program to meet your team’s unique needs. We work collaboratively with your people to identify the best path forward. Often, team members complete a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment to provide data for further discussion.
We then design and facilitate a half- or full-day session, incorporating lectures, small group discussions, reflective writing, interactive activities, and goal-setting. Each participant returns to work with a better understanding of who they are and how they can better contribute to the team. They are equipped with additional materials and specific action steps to implement their new knowledge.
After the session, your team has options for additional group coaching sessions, either on-site or by teleconference, to reinforce the original workshop. You can also arrange for individual coaching to further support managers and team members.